Sønderballe Bådelaug

Distances to major cities mm.

Genner bay 200 meters
Aabenraa 13 km
Haderslev 13 km
German Border 40 km
Summerland south 40 km 


Approximately 200m from the port at Sønderballe Camping traded groceries mm.

They may be purchased "Fast Food" 

Post - path

A nice little walk from the port, and up to an amazing lookout point.

Click picture to enlarge

Sønderballe Head

From Sønderballe Harbour we can get a nice walk all the way to Sønderballe head and experience the beautiful scenery. 


Kalvø is a small island in Genner bay that is connected to the mainland by a causeway.
About Genner bay is forest, beach and harbor. The area is one of the prettiest in Rødekro municipality. Kalvø has been used by humans for millennia. On Kalvø exist marina Kalvø Badehotel and a handicapped accessible nature trail that leads around the island. 

Hjemmeside fra e-hjemmeside.dk